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Publish a Worker

Once your Cloudflare Worker is running as intended, you can use denoflare push to publish it. This guide will walk you through a few steps:

  1. Create a .denoflare config with environment variable bindings.
  2. Use those bindings in the worker script.
  3. Test the code locally.
  4. Publish the code to Cloudflare with denoflare push
  5. Setup a custom name in the URL.
  6. Automatically republish after changes are made.

It is assumed that you've already installed the denoflare CLI.

  1. In a new project folder, create a file named .denoflare. Paste in the following config, which includes the enviroment variable binding named SUFFIX:

    // .denoflare
        "$schema": "",
        "scripts": {
            "complimenter": {
                "path": "index.ts",
                "bindings": {
                    "SUFFIX": {
                        "value": "is a genius!"
                "localPort": 3030
        "profiles": {
            "account1": {
                // your cloudflare account id
                "accountId": "<YOUR ACCOUNT ID>",
                // your cloudflare api token
                "apiToken": "<YOUR API TOKEN>"

    In order for the configuration to work, you have to enter your accountId and apiToken from your Cloudflare Workers dashboard.

  2. Now let's create a worker script that gives a compliment using the SUFFIX environment variable. It will optionally use a name searchParam string from the URL. Note that the second argument to the fetch handler is the env object, which contains our SUFFIX variable.

    // index.ts
    export default {
        async fetch(request: Request, env: any) {
            const url = new URL(request.url)
            const search = new URLSearchParams(
            const name = search.get('name') || 'Somebody'
            try {
                return new Response(`${name} ${env.SUFFIX}`)
            } catch (e) {
                return new Response(e.message)
  3. You can test the code by running denoflare serve complimenter.

    Let's make sure it works. Open http://localhost:3030 . You should see Somebody is a genius!.

    Now try passing a name as a search param in the URL: http://localhost:3030?name=Karen . Now you should see Karen is a genius!.

  4. It's time to publish this code to Cloudflare. Just run denoflare push complimenter. You'll see some output like this:

    bundling complimenter into bundle.js...
    bundle finished in 142ms
    computed bindings in 0ms
    putting script complimenter... (10.9kb) (2.7kb compressed)
    put script complimenter in 1060ms

    At this point you need your subdomain. You set this up when you created your Cloudflare account. You can get it from your Cloudflare Workers dashboard in the sidebar under the section called "Your subdomain". For this example we will use an imaginary subdomain of

    Since we just published the app, it should now be available at You'll also see it in the Cloudflare Workers dashboard. By default, Denoflare will automatically name the uploaded Worker using the script name from the config. If our script were named hello-local, like in the Start a New Worker Guide, it would be published to

  5. Let's now publish the worker using a name other than the script name of complimenter. The denoflare push command supports the --name option to explicitly provide a name.

    denoflare push complimenter --name genius

    The output now shows the custom name you provided. The site will now be available at (only at the correct base url for your account: something other than

  6. One more thing before we wrap up this guide. The denoflare push command also supports --watch mode. Using this CLI option tells Denoflare to push the code every time a file changes. This can be used with or without the --name option. Here's what it looks like without:

    denoflare push complimenter --watch

    Now every time you save a change, the code will be pushed to Cloudflare. Note that sometimes it can take longer than 30 seconds for new changes to show up in the browser. You can stop Denoflare by pressing CTRL+C.

  7. It's time to soak this moment in. You just published a Cloudflare Worker directly from your Denoflare code. Congratulations!