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Denoflare Command-line Interface

Denoflare CLI is a standard Deno program, so it benefits from the permission model and installation flexibility of all Deno programs.


Denoflare requires Deno, which is easy to install

Install denoflare via standard deno install

deno install --unstable-worker-options --allow-read --allow-net --allow-env --allow-run --name denoflare --force \
Alternatives: shell function or no-install direct run command for CI build

You can also "install" by defining a shell function in your shell config to a deno run command. This allows you to create multiple aliases with different permissions.

# in ~/.bash_profile
function denoflare {
    deno run --unstable-worker-options --allow-read --allow-net --allow-env --allow-run \ "$@"

Or, run without an install step at all, perhaps inside a CI build. Simply replace denoflare in our docs with the long-form deno run command.

e.g. instead of denoflare serve x

deno run --unstable-worker-options --allow-read --allow-net --allow-env --allow-run \ serve x

Check out the Releases page for the latest version number tag, and details about each pre-release.

Command help

Once denoflare is installed, the cli includes docs on each command and subcommand, available via --help.


$ denoflare --help
denoflare 0.6.0

    denoflare <command> <args> <options>

    serve          Run a Cloudflare worker script in a local Deno web server
    push           Upload a Cloudflare worker script to Cloudflare
    push-lambda    Upload a Cloudflare worker script to AWS Lambda + public function URL
    push-deploy    Upload a Cloudflare worker script to Deno Deploy
    push-supabase  Upload a Cloudflare worker script to Supabase Edge Functions
    tail           View a real-time stream of logs from a published Cloudflare worker
    site           Develop and deploy a static docs site to Cloudflare Pages
    analytics      Dump stats via the Cloudflare GraphQL Analytics API
    cfapi          Call the Cloudflare REST API
    r2             Manage Cloudflare R2 storage using the S3 compatibility API
    pubsub         Interact with your Cloudflare Pub/Sub broker
    d1             Manage and query your Cloudflare D1 databases
    ae-proxy       Host a proxy endpoint to Analytics Engine more compatible with Clickhouse plugins
    version        Dump cli version

For command-specific help: denoflare <command> --help

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