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denoflare d1

Manage and query your Cloudflare D1 databases


$ denoflare d1 --help
denoflare-d1 0.6.0

Manage and query your Cloudflare D1 databases

    denoflare d1 <subcommand> <args> <options>

    list          List databases
    get           Get database metadata
    drop          Drop a database
    create        Create a database
    query         Query a database
    backup        Backup a database
    restore       Restore a database from a previous backup
    download      Download a database as a sqlite3 db file
    list-backups  List all backups for a database

For subcommand-specific help: denoflare d1 <subcommand> --help

Database operations


$ denoflare d1 list --help
denoflare-d1-list 0.6.0

List databases

    denoflare d1 list [OPTIONS]

    --name <string>        A database name to search for
    --config <path>        Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>       Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>  Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>   Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                 Print help information
    --verbose              Toggle verbose output (when applicable)


$ denoflare d1 drop --help
denoflare-d1-drop 0.6.0

Drop a database

    denoflare d1 drop <database-name> [OPTIONS]

    <database-name>        Name of the database to drop

    --config <path>        Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>       Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>  Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>   Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                 Print help information
    --verbose              Toggle verbose output (when applicable)


$ denoflare d1 create --help
denoflare-d1-create 0.6.0

Create a database

    denoflare d1 create <database-name> [OPTIONS]

    <database-name>         Name of the database to create

    --location <location>   Hint for the database's primary location (one of: weur, eeur, apac, wnam, enam)
    --experimental-backend  Use the new experimental database backend
    --config <path>         Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>        Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>   Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>    Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                  Print help information
    --verbose               Toggle verbose output (when applicable)


$ denoflare d1 query --help
denoflare-d1-query 0.6.0

Query a database

    denoflare d1 query <database-name> [OPTIONS]

    <database-name>        Name of the database to query

    --sql <string>         SQL query to execute
    --param <value>...     Ordinal parameters for the query
    --config <path>        Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>       Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>  Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>   Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                 Print help information
    --verbose              Toggle verbose output (when applicable)

Database backup operations


$ denoflare d1 backup --help
denoflare-d1-backup 0.6.0

Backup a database

    denoflare d1 backup <database-name> [OPTIONS]

    <database-name>        Name of the database to backup

    --config <path>        Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>       Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>  Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>   Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                 Print help information
    --verbose              Toggle verbose output (when applicable)


$ denoflare d1 restore --help
denoflare-d1-restore 0.6.0

Restore a database from a previous backup

    denoflare d1 restore <database-name> [OPTIONS]

    <database-name>        Name of the database to backup

    --backup-id <string>   Uuid of the backup to restore (required)
    --config <path>        Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>       Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>  Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>   Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                 Print help information
    --verbose              Toggle verbose output (when applicable)


$ denoflare d1 download --help
denoflare-d1-download 0.6.0

Download a database as a sqlite3 db file

    denoflare d1 download <database-name> [OPTIONS]

    <database-name>        Name of the database to download

    --file <string>        Local file path at which to save the sqlite db file (required)
    --backup-id <string>   Uuid of the backup to download (default: take a new backup and download that)
    --config <path>        Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>       Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>  Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>   Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                 Print help information
    --verbose              Toggle verbose output (when applicable)

For example, to download the current state of my-database and save as a local file named my-database.db

$ denoflare d1 backup my-database --file my-database.db
Backup 00e3344b-176e-4dfd-9f51-b89db3c39056 (12kb) took 3475ms
Download of backup 00e3344b-176e-4dfd-9f51-b89db3c39056 (12kb) took 555ms
Saved to /Users/me/path/to/cwd/my-database.db


$ denoflare d1 list-backups --help
denoflare-d1-list-backups 0.6.0

List all backups for a database

    denoflare d1 list-backups <database-name> [OPTIONS]

    <database-name>        Name of the database

    --config <path>        Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>       Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>  Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>   Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                 Print help information
    --verbose              Toggle verbose output (when applicable)