denoflare pubsub
Interact with your Cloudflare Pub/Sub broker
$ denoflare pubsub --help
denoflare-pubsub 0.6.0
Interact with your Cloudflare Pub/Sub broker
denoflare pubsub <subcommand> <args> <options>
publish Publish a message to a Pub/Sub broker
subscribe Subscribe to a Pub/Sub broker
jwt Parse a JWT token, and output its claims
For subcommand-specific help: denoflare pubsub <subcommand> --help
$ denoflare pubsub publish --help
denoflare-pubsub-publish 0.6.0
Publish a message to a Pub/Sub broker
denoflare pubsub publish [OPTIONS]
--text <string> Plaintext message payload
--file <string> Path to file with the message payload
--topic <string> Topic on which to publish the message (required)
--n <integer> Times to repeat the message
--max-messages-per-second <integer> Maximum rate of message to send per second
--endpoint <string> MQTT endpoint (required)
--client-id <string> Client ID
--password <string> Password
--keep-alive <integer> Keep alive rate (in seconds)
--expiration <integer> Expiration (in seconds) when auto-generating credential
--debug-messages Dump all received mqtt messages
--debug-jwt If the password is a jwt token, dump the claims
--config <path> Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
--profile <name> Explicit profile to use from config file
--account-id <string> Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
--api-token <string> Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
--help Print help information
--verbose Toggle verbose output (when applicable)
$ denoflare pubsub subscribe --help
denoflare-pubsub-subscribe 0.6.0
Subscribe to a Pub/Sub broker
denoflare pubsub subscribe [OPTIONS]
--topic <string> Topic on which to subscribe (required)
--endpoint <string> MQTT endpoint (required)
--client-id <string> Client ID
--password <string> Password
--keep-alive <integer> Keep alive rate (in seconds)
--expiration <integer> Expiration (in seconds) when auto-generating credential
--debug-messages Dump all received mqtt messages
--debug-jwt If the password is a jwt token, dump the claims
--config <path> Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
--profile <name> Explicit profile to use from config file
--account-id <string> Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
--api-token <string> Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
--help Print help information
--verbose Toggle verbose output (when applicable)
$ denoflare pubsub jwt --help
denoflare-pubsub-jwt 0.6.0
Parse a JWT token, and output its claims
denoflare pubsub jwt <token> [OPTIONS]
<token> JWT token string
--help Print help information
--verbose Toggle verbose output (when applicable)