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.denoflare Configuration File

How to configure the Denoflare CLI

Most commands can be run using CLI options, often it's easier to specify profiles and scripts definitions in configuration file.

There are two ways to use the Denoflare CLI with a configuration file:

  • The CLI will automatically look for a .denoflare file in the current directory, or any parent directory.
  • Placing a shared .denoflare file in your home directory is an easy way to centralize all of your config.
  • You can specify a config file in another directory using the --config flag with an absolute path: e.g. denoflare --config /path/to/my-config.jsonc

Example .denoflare File

    // This jsonc file supports comments and trailing commas!

    // Optional schema to get auto-completions when editing this file in vscode, etc
    "$schema": "",

    // Define script configurations by name, and their associated bindings and options.
    // You can then simply refer to them by name in your denoflare commands.
    // Note the same script source can be specified more than once with different configurations (local vs prod etc).
    "scripts": {
        "script1-local": {
            "path": "/Users/me/path/to/script1.js",
            "bindings": {
                "foo": { "value": "bar" },
            "localPort": 3002,
        "script2-local": {
            "path": "/Users/me/path/to/script2.ts",
            "bindings": {
                "memoryNamespace": { "doNamespace": "local:MyDO" }
            "localPort": 8080,
        "script3-local": {
            "path": "/Users/me/path/to/script3.ts",
            "bindings": {
                "MyKV": { "kvNamespace": "351bddca004649b5a58c985b0gus86d5" },
                "LocalHostAndPort": { "value": "localhost:${localPort}" }
            "localPort": 3031,
            "localHostname": "",
            "localIsolation": "isolate"
        "script4-prod": {
            "path": "/Users/me/path/to/script4.ts",
            "bindings": {
                "version": { "value": "1.2.3" },
            "customDomains": [ "" ],
        "script4-local": {
            "path": "/Users/me/path/to/script4.ts", // same script, different binding value
            "bindings": {
                "version": { "value": "local" },

    // Define one or more named profiles to specify Cloudflare API token credentials.
    // You can then refer to them by name in your denoflare commands, using --profile <profile-name>.
    // If no --profile is specified, the default profile will be used.
    // The default profile is either the only profile specified (as shown here), or the one marked with default: true
    // If you'd rather use environment variables instead of defining a profile in config, set CF_ACCOUNT_ID and CF_API_TOKEN.
    "profiles": {
        "account1": {
            "accountId": "4fc7a4becb8b41d887c5bb970b0guse1",
            "apiToken": "kAE-bogUs-_d8fkg2kkjc8dsftq63jda9kgs78"

Full Configuration Format

The Denoflare configuration object is typically saved in a .denoflare file. The top-level object supports two properties:

  • scripts is keyed by the name of each Script.
  • profiles is keyed by the name of each Profile.
export interface Config {

    /** Known script definitions, by unique `script-name`.
     * `script-name` must:
     *  - start with a letter
     *  - end with a letter or digit
     *  - include only lowercase letters, digits, underscore, and hyphen
     *  - be 63 characters or less
     * Only the name must be unique, multiple Script definitions can point to the same worker `path` but different Bindings.
     * This is useful when defining multiple environments for the same script, named `worker-local`, `worker-dev`, `worker-prod`, etc.
    readonly scripts?: Record<string, Script>;

    /** Profile definitions by unique `profile-name`.
     * `profile-name` must:
     *  - start with a letter
     *  - end with a letter or digit
     *  - include only lowercase letters, digits, and hyphen
     *  - be 36 characters or less
    readonly profiles?: Record<string, Profile>;


The top-level scripts object is keyed by the name of each script. Each script configuration object supports the following properties:

export interface Script {

    /** (required) Local file path, or https: url to a module-based worker entry point .ts, or a non-module-based worker bundled .js */
    readonly path: string;

    /** Bindings for worker environment variables to use when running locally, or deploying to Cloudflare */
    readonly bindings?: Record<string, Binding>;

    /** If specified, use this port when running `serve`, the local dev server. */
    readonly localPort?: number;

    /** If specified, replace the hostname portion of the incoming `Request.url` at runtime to use this hostname instead of `localhost`.
     * Useful if your worker does hostname-based routing. */
    readonly localHostname?: string;

    /** If specified, use this isolation level when running `serve`, the local dev server.
     * (Default: 'isolate') */
    readonly localIsolation?: Isolation;

    /** If specified, use this certificate file when running `serve`, the local dev server, with https. */
    readonly localCertPem?: string;

    /** If specified, use this private key file when running `serve`, the local dev server, with https. */
    readonly localKeyPem?: string;

    /** If specified, use a specific, named Profile defined in `config.profiles`.
     * (Default: the Profile marked as `default`, or the only Profile defined) */
    readonly profile?: string;

    /** Cloudflare Worker usage model: bundled or unbound.
     * See
    readonly usageModel?: UsageModel;

    /** Custom domain(s) on which to bind this worker when deploying to Cloudflare.
     * See
    readonly customDomains?: string[];

    /** If specified, enable or disable the route for this worker when deploying to Cloudflare. */
    readonly workersDev?: boolean;

/** Code isolation to use when running worker scripts with `serve`, the local dev server.
 * - `'none'`:    Run the worker script in the same isolate as the host.
 *                Easier to debug, but no hot reloads, and same Deno permissions as the host.
 * - `'isolate'`: (default) Run the worker script in a separate isolate (webworker) with no Deno permissions.
 *                Harder to debug, but can be hot reloaded on script changes, and safer.
export type Isolation = 'none' | 'isolate';


Each Script can have a bindings object which is keyed by binding name. Bindings give access to Environment Variables as well as Workers KV and Durable Object namespaces, Service Bindings, Wasm Modules, and R2 Buckets.

/** Binding definition for a worker script environment variable */
export type Binding = TextBinding | SecretBinding | KVNamespaceBinding | DONamespaceBinding | WasmModuleBinding | ServiceBinding | R2BucketBinding | AnalyticsEngineBinding | D1DatabaseBinding;

/** Plain-text environment variable binding */
export interface TextBinding {

    /** Value is the string value, with the following replacements:
     *  - `${localPort}` replaced with the localhost port used when running `serve`, the local dev server.
     *    This can be useful when defining a variable for the server Origin, for example.
    readonly value: string;

/** Secret-text environment variable binding */
export interface SecretBinding {

    /** Value can be:
     *  - Secret literal string value
     *  - `aws:<aws-profile-name>`, replaced with the associated `<aws_access_key_id>:<aws_secret_access_key>` from `~/.aws/credentials`.
     *    Useful if you want to keep your credentials in a single file.
    readonly secret: string;

/** Workers KV Namespace environment variable binding */
export interface KVNamespaceBinding {

    /** For now, this is the underlying Cloudflare API ID of the Workers KV Namespace. */
    readonly kvNamespace: string;

/** Workers Durable Object Namespace environment variable binding */
export interface DONamespaceBinding {

    /** For now, this is either:
     * - The underlying Cloudflare API ID of the Workers Durable Object Namespace
     * - `local:<DOClassName>`: Pointer to a Durable Object class name defined in the same worker script. e.g. `local:MyCounterDO`
    readonly doNamespace: string;

/** Wasm module environment variable binding */
export interface WasmModuleBinding {

    /** Absolute file path to wasm module */
    readonly wasmModule: string;

/** Service environment variable binding */
export interface ServiceBinding {

    /** The service and environment, delimited by ':'.  e.g. my-service:production */
    readonly serviceEnvironment: string;

/** R2 environment variable binding */
export interface R2BucketBinding {

    /** The R2 bucket name */
    readonly bucketName: string;

/** Analytics Engine environment variable binding */
export interface AnalyticsEngineBinding {

    /** The Analytics Engine dataset name */
    readonly dataset: string;

/** D1 database environment variable binding */
export interface D1DatabaseBinding {

    /** The D1 database uuid */
    readonly d1DatabaseUuid: string;


The top-level profiles object is keyed by profile name. Each holds a Profile definition object containing Cloudflare credentials to use when deploying via push, or running locally with serve using real KV storage.

export interface Profile {

    /** Cloudflare Account ID: 32-char hex string.
     * This value can either be specified directly, or using `regex:<file-path>:<pattern-with-capturing-group>` to grab the value from another file.
    readonly accountId: string;

    /** Cloudflare API token: Value obtained from the Cloudflare dashboard (My Profile -> [API Tokens]( when creating the token under this account.
     * This value can either be specified directly, or using `regex:<file-path>:<pattern-with-capturing-group>` to grab the value from another file.
    readonly apiToken: string;

    /** If there are multiple profiles defined, choose this one as the default (when no `--profile` is explicitly specified or configured).
     * There can only be one default profile.
    readonly default?: boolean;