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Transform Images with Wasm in a Cloudflare Worker

Prototype demonstrating running image resizing and other transforms completely inside a Cloudflare Worker.

Sample input images come from Unsplash .

Source is available in the Denoflare repo .

Deploy it to your own account

Since it is a standard module-based Cloudflare Worker, you can deploy it like any other worker with denoflare push:

First, register a new app with Unsplash (free), you'll need your app name and ixid as worker environment vars, to comply their TOS.

denoflare push --name image-demo \ \
    --text-binding unsplashAppName:your_app_name \
    --text-binding unsplashIxid:your_ixid

Host it locally

Since it is a standard module-based Cloudflare Worker, you can run it locally like any other worker with denoflare serve:

First, register a new app with Unsplash (free), you'll need your app name and ixid as worker environment vars, to comply their TOS.

denoflare serve \
    --text-binding unsplashAppName:your_app_name \
    --text-binding unsplashIxid:your_ixid