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denoflare r2

Manage Cloudflare R2 storage using the S3 compatibility API

Built using our R2 TypeScript API

Each subcommand makes R2 calls via our R2 TypeScript API , available as a reusable module or individual functions for your own projects. The API is lightweight (no deps on aws-sdk or aws4fetch, only on fast-xml-parser and web standards). It can even be used within workers themselves.


$ denoflare r2 --help
denoflare-r2 0.6.0

Manage Cloudflare R2 storage using the S3 compatibility API

    denoflare r2 <subcommand> <args> <options>

    list-buckets               List all R2 buckets
    head-bucket                Determine if an R2 bucket exists
    create-bucket              Create a new R2 bucket
    delete-bucket              Delete an R2 bucket
    get-bucket-encryption      Gets encryption config for a bucket
    delete-bucket-encryption   Reset encryption config for a bucket
    put-bucket-encryption      Sets encryption config for a bucket
    get-bucket-location        Returns the region the bucket resides in
    list-objects               List objects within an R2 bucket (list-objects-v2)
    list-objects-v1            List objects within a bucket (deprecated v1 version)
    get-object                 Get R2 object for a given key
    head-object                Get R2 object (metadata only) for a given key
    put-object                 Put R2 object for a given key
    delete-object              Delete R2 object for a given key
    delete-objects             Delete R2 objects for the given keys
    copy-object                Copy R2 object from a given source bucket and key
    create-multipart-upload    Start a multipart upload and return an upload ID
    abort-multipart-upload     Abort an existing multipart upload
    complete-multipart-upload  Complete an existing multipart upload
    upload-part                Upload part of a multipart upload
    upload-part-copy           Copy R2 part from a given source bucket and key
    list-multipart-uploads     List in-progress multipart uploads within an R2 bucket
    generate-credentials       Generate private R2-looking credentials for any use
    presign                    Generate a presigned url for time-limited public access to a private R2 object

For subcommand-specific help: denoflare r2 <subcommand> --help

Bucket operations


$ denoflare r2 list-buckets --help
denoflare-r2-list-buckets 0.6.0

List all R2 buckets

    denoflare r2 list-buckets [OPTIONS]

    --unsigned-payload     If set, skip request body signing (and thus verification) for the R2 request
    --config <path>        Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>       Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>  Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>   Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                 Print help information
    --verbose              Toggle verbose output (when applicable)


$ denoflare r2 head-bucket --help
denoflare-r2-head-bucket 0.6.0

Determine if an R2 bucket exists

    denoflare r2 head-bucket <bucket> [OPTIONS]

    <bucket>                 Name of the R2 bucket

    --unsigned-payload       If set, skip request body signing (and thus verification) for the R2 request
    --url-style <url-style>  URL addressing method used in request (one of: path, vhost, default: vhost)
    --config <path>          Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>         Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>    Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>     Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                   Print help information
    --verbose                Toggle verbose output (when applicable)


$ denoflare r2 create-bucket --help
denoflare-r2-create-bucket 0.6.0

Create a new R2 bucket

    denoflare r2 create-bucket <bucket> [OPTIONS]

    <bucket>                 Name of the R2 bucket

    --unsigned-payload       If set, skip request body signing (and thus verification) for the R2 request
    --url-style <url-style>  URL addressing method used in request (one of: path, vhost, default: vhost)
    --config <path>          Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>         Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>    Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>     Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                   Print help information
    --verbose                Toggle verbose output (when applicable)


$ denoflare r2 delete-bucket --help
denoflare-r2-delete-bucket 0.6.0

Delete an R2 bucket

    denoflare r2 delete-bucket <bucket> [OPTIONS]

    <bucket>                 Name of the R2 bucket

    --unsigned-payload       If set, skip request body signing (and thus verification) for the R2 request
    --url-style <url-style>  URL addressing method used in request (one of: path, vhost, default: vhost)
    --config <path>          Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>         Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>    Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>     Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                   Print help information
    --verbose                Toggle verbose output (when applicable)


$ denoflare r2 get-bucket-encryption --help
denoflare-r2-get-bucket-encryption 0.6.0

Gets encryption config for a bucket

    denoflare r2 get-bucket-encryption <bucket> [OPTIONS]

    <bucket>                 Name of the R2 bucket

    --unsigned-payload       If set, skip request body signing (and thus verification) for the R2 request
    --url-style <url-style>  URL addressing method used in request (one of: path, vhost, default: vhost)
    --config <path>          Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>         Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>    Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>     Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                   Print help information
    --verbose                Toggle verbose output (when applicable)


$ denoflare r2 delete-bucket-encryption --help
denoflare-r2-delete-bucket-encryption 0.6.0

Reset encryption config for a bucket

    denoflare r2 delete-bucket-encryption <bucket> [OPTIONS]

    <bucket>                 Name of the R2 bucket

    --unsigned-payload       If set, skip request body signing (and thus verification) for the R2 request
    --url-style <url-style>  URL addressing method used in request (one of: path, vhost, default: vhost)
    --config <path>          Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>         Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>    Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>     Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                   Print help information
    --verbose                Toggle verbose output (when applicable)


$ denoflare r2 put-bucket-encryption --help
denoflare-r2-put-bucket-encryption 0.6.0

Sets encryption config for a bucket

    denoflare r2 put-bucket-encryption <bucket> [OPTIONS]

    <bucket>                 Name of the R2 bucket

    --unsigned-payload       If set, skip request body signing (and thus verification) for the R2 request
    --url-style <url-style>  URL addressing method used in request (one of: path, vhost, default: vhost)
    --config <path>          Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>         Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>    Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>     Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                   Print help information
    --verbose                Toggle verbose output (when applicable)


$ denoflare r2 get-bucket-location --help
denoflare-r2-get-bucket-location 0.6.0

Returns the region the bucket resides in

    denoflare r2 get-bucket-location <bucket> [OPTIONS]

    <bucket>                 Name of the R2 bucket

    --unsigned-payload       If set, skip request body signing (and thus verification) for the R2 request
    --url-style <url-style>  URL addressing method used in request (one of: path, vhost, default: vhost)
    --config <path>          Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>         Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>    Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>     Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                   Print help information
    --verbose                Toggle verbose output (when applicable)

Object operations


$ denoflare r2 list-objects --help
denoflare-r2-list-objects 0.6.0

List objects within an R2 bucket (list-objects-v2)

    denoflare r2 list-objects <bucket> [OPTIONS]

    <bucket>                         Name of the R2 bucket

    --max-keys <integer>             Limit the number of keys to return (min: 0, max: 1000)
    --continuation-token <string>    Continue the listing on this bucket with a previously returned token (token is obfuscated and is not a real key)
    --start-after <key>              Start listing after this specified key, can be any key in the bucket
    --prefix <string>                Limit to keys that begin with the specified prefix
    --delimiter <char>               The character used to group keys
    --encoding-type <encoding-type>  Encoding used to encode keys in the response (one of: url)
    --fetch-owner                    If set, return the owner info for each item
    --unsigned-payload               If set, skip request body signing (and thus verification) for the R2 request
    --url-style <url-style>          URL addressing method used in request (one of: path, vhost, default: vhost)
    --config <path>                  Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>                 Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>            Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>             Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                           Print help information
    --verbose                        Toggle verbose output (when applicable)


$ denoflare r2 list-objects-v1 --help
denoflare-r2-list-objects-v1 0.6.0

List objects within a bucket (deprecated v1 version)

    denoflare r2 list-objects-v1 <bucket> [OPTIONS]

    <bucket>                         Name of the R2 bucket

    --max-keys <integer>             Limit the number of keys to return (min: 0, max: 1000)
    --marker <string>                Start listing after this specified key, can be any key in the bucket
    --prefix <string>                Limit to keys that begin with the specified prefix
    --delimiter <char>               The character used to group keys
    --encoding-type <encoding-type>  Encoding used to encode keys in the response (one of: url)
    --unsigned-payload               If set, skip request body signing (and thus verification) for the R2 request
    --url-style <url-style>          URL addressing method used in request (one of: path, vhost, default: vhost)
    --config <path>                  Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>                 Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>            Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>             Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                           Print help information
    --verbose                        Toggle verbose output (when applicable)


$ denoflare r2 get-object --help
denoflare-r2-get-object 0.6.0

Get R2 object for a given key

    denoflare r2 get-object <bucket> <key> [OPTIONS]

    <bucket>                        Name of the R2 bucket
    <key>                           Key of the object to get

    --if-match <string>             Return the object only if its entity tag (ETag) is the same as the one specified
    --if-none-match <string>        Return the object only if its entity tag (ETag) is different from the one specified
    --if-modified-since <string>    Return the object only if it has been modified since the specified time
    --if-unmodified-since <string>  Return the object only if it has not been modified since the specified time
    --range <string>                Downloads the specified range bytes of an object, e.g. bytes=0-100
    --part-number <integer>         Part number of the object being read, effectively performs a ranged GET request for the part specified (min: 1, max: 10000)
    --file <path>                   If specified, save object body to a local file
    --unsigned-payload              If set, skip request body signing (and thus verification) for the R2 request
    --url-style <url-style>         URL addressing method used in request (one of: path, vhost, default: vhost)
    --config <path>                 Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>                Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>           Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>            Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                          Print help information
    --verbose                       Toggle verbose output (when applicable)


$ denoflare r2 head-object --help
denoflare-r2-head-object 0.6.0

Get R2 object (metadata only) for a given key

    denoflare r2 head-object <bucket> <key> [OPTIONS]

    <bucket>                        Name of the R2 bucket
    <key>                           Key of the object to get

    --if-match <string>             Return the object only if its entity tag (ETag) is the same as the one specified
    --if-none-match <string>        Return the object only if its entity tag (ETag) is different from the one specified
    --if-modified-since <string>    Return the object only if it has been modified since the specified time
    --if-unmodified-since <string>  Return the object only if it has not been modified since the specified time
    --range <string>                Downloads the specified range bytes of an object, e.g. bytes=0-100
    --part-number <integer>         Part number of the object being read, effectively performs a ranged GET request for the part specified (min: 1, max: 10000)
    --unsigned-payload              If set, skip request body signing (and thus verification) for the R2 request
    --url-style <url-style>         URL addressing method used in request (one of: path, vhost, default: vhost)
    --config <path>                 Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>                Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>           Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>            Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                          Print help information
    --verbose                       Toggle verbose output (when applicable)


$ denoflare r2 put-object --help
denoflare-r2-put-object 0.6.0

Put R2 object for a given key

    denoflare r2 put-object <bucket> <key> [OPTIONS]

    <bucket>                        Name of the R2 bucket
    <key>                           Key of the object to put

    --cache-control <string>        Specify caching behavior along the request/reply chain
    --content-disposition <string>  Specify presentational information for the object
    --content-encoding <string>     Specify what content encodings have been applied to the object
    --content-language <string>     Specify the language the object is in
    --content-type <string>         A standard MIME type describing the format of the contents
    --expires <string>              The date and time at which the object is no longer cacheable
    --custom <name=value>...        Custom metadata for the object
    --if-match <string>             Put the object only if its entity tag (ETag) is the same as the one specified
    --if-none-match <string>        Put the object only if its entity tag (ETag) is different from the one specified
    --if-modified-since <string>    Put the object only if it has been modified since the specified time
    --if-unmodified-since <string>  Put the object only if it has not been modified since the specified time
    --content-md5 <base64>          Precomputed Content-MD5 of the contents
    --compute-content-md5           If set, automatically compute Content-MD5 of the contents
    --file <path>                   Path to the contents
    --filestream <path>             Path to the contents (streaming upload)
    --bytes <string>                Range of local file to upload (e.g. bytes=0-100)
    --unsigned-payload              If set, skip request body signing (and thus verification) for the R2 request
    --url-style <url-style>         URL addressing method used in request (one of: path, vhost, default: vhost)
    --config <path>                 Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>                Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>           Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>            Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                          Print help information
    --verbose                       Toggle verbose output (when applicable)


$ denoflare r2 delete-object --help
denoflare-r2-delete-object 0.6.0

Delete R2 object for a given key

    denoflare r2 delete-object <bucket> <key> [OPTIONS]

    <bucket>                 Name of the R2 bucket
    <key>                    Key of the object to delete

    --version-id <string>    Returns the version ID of the delete marker created as a result of the DELETE operation
    --unsigned-payload       If set, skip request body signing (and thus verification) for the R2 request
    --url-style <url-style>  URL addressing method used in request (one of: path, vhost, default: vhost)
    --config <path>          Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>         Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>    Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>     Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                   Print help information
    --verbose                Toggle verbose output (when applicable)


$ denoflare r2 delete-objects --help
denoflare-r2-delete-objects 0.6.0

Delete R2 objects for the given keys

    denoflare r2 delete-objects <bucket> <key> <key>... [OPTIONS]

    <bucket>                 Name of the R2 bucket
    <key>                    Keys of the objects to delete

    --quiet                  Enable quiet mode, response will only include keys where the delete action encountered an error
    --unsigned-payload       If set, skip request body signing (and thus verification) for the R2 request
    --url-style <url-style>  URL addressing method used in request (one of: path, vhost, default: vhost)
    --config <path>          Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>         Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>    Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>     Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                   Print help information
    --verbose                Toggle verbose output (when applicable)


$ denoflare r2 copy-object --help
denoflare-r2-copy-object 0.6.0

Copy R2 object from a given source bucket and key

    denoflare r2 copy-object <bucket> <key> [OPTIONS]

    <bucket>                        Name of the destination R2 bucket
    <key>                           Key of the destination object

    --source-bucket <string>        R2 Bucket of the source object (default: destination bucket)
    --source-key <string>           Key of the source object (required)
    --cache-control <string>        Specify caching behavior along the request/reply chain
    --content-disposition <string>  Specify presentational information for the object
    --content-encoding <string>     Specify what content encodings have been applied to the object
    --content-language <string>     Specify the language the object is in
    --content-type <string>         A standard MIME type describing the format of the contents
    --expires <string>              The date and time at which the object is no longer cacheable
    --custom <name=value>...        Custom metadata for the object
    --if-match <string>             Copies the object if its entity tag (ETag) matches the specified tag
    --if-none-match <string>        Copies the object if its entity tag (ETag) is different than the specified ETag
    --if-modified-since <string>    Copies the object if it has been modified since the specified time
    --if-unmodified-since <string>  Copies the object if it hasn't been modified since the specified time
    --unsigned-payload              If set, skip request body signing (and thus verification) for the R2 request
    --url-style <url-style>         URL addressing method used in request (one of: path, vhost, default: vhost)
    --config <path>                 Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>                Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>           Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>            Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                          Print help information
    --verbose                       Toggle verbose output (when applicable)

Multipart upload operations


$ denoflare r2 create-multipart-upload --help
denoflare-r2-create-multipart-upload 0.6.0

Start a multipart upload and return an upload ID

    denoflare r2 create-multipart-upload <bucket> <key> [OPTIONS]

    <bucket>                        Name of the R2 bucket
    <key>                           Key of the object to upload

    --cache-control <string>        Specify caching behavior along the request/reply chain
    --content-disposition <string>  Specify presentational information for the object
    --content-encoding <string>     Specify what content encodings have been applied to the object
    --content-language <string>     Specify the language the object is in
    --content-type <string>         A standard MIME type describing the format of the contents
    --expires <string>              The date and time at which the object is no longer cacheable
    --custom <name=value>...        Custom metadata for the object
    --if-match <string>             Put the object only if its entity tag (ETag) is the same as the one specified
    --if-none-match <string>        Put the object only if its entity tag (ETag) is different from the one specified
    --if-modified-since <string>    Put the object only if it has been modified since the specified time
    --if-unmodified-since <string>  Put the object only if it has not been modified since the specified time
    --unsigned-payload              If set, skip request body signing (and thus verification) for the R2 request
    --url-style <url-style>         URL addressing method used in request (one of: path, vhost, default: vhost)
    --config <path>                 Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>                Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>           Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>            Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                          Print help information
    --verbose                       Toggle verbose output (when applicable)


$ denoflare r2 abort-multipart-upload --help
denoflare-r2-abort-multipart-upload 0.6.0

Abort an existing multipart upload

    denoflare r2 abort-multipart-upload <bucket> <key> <upload-id> [OPTIONS]

    <bucket>                 Name of the R2 bucket
    <key>                    Key of the object
    <upload-id>              Id of the existing multipart upload to abort

    --unsigned-payload       If set, skip request body signing (and thus verification) for the R2 request
    --url-style <url-style>  URL addressing method used in request (one of: path, vhost, default: vhost)
    --config <path>          Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>         Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>    Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>     Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                   Print help information
    --verbose                Toggle verbose output (when applicable)


$ denoflare r2 complete-multipart-upload --help
denoflare-r2-complete-multipart-upload 0.6.0

Complete an existing multipart upload

    denoflare r2 complete-multipart-upload <bucket> <key> <upload-id> <part> <part>... [OPTIONS]

    <bucket>                 Name of the R2 bucket
    <key>                    Key of the object
    <upload-id>              Id of the existing multipart upload to complete
    <part>                   partNumber:etag

    --unsigned-payload       If set, skip request body signing (and thus verification) for the R2 request
    --url-style <url-style>  URL addressing method used in request (one of: path, vhost, default: vhost)
    --config <path>          Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>         Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>    Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>     Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                   Print help information
    --verbose                Toggle verbose output (when applicable)


$ denoflare r2 upload-part --help
denoflare-r2-upload-part 0.6.0

Upload part of a multipart upload

    denoflare r2 upload-part <bucket> <key> [OPTIONS]

    <bucket>                 Name of the R2 bucket
    <key>                    Key of the object

    --upload-id <string>     Id of the existing multipart upload to complete (required)
    --part-number <integer>  Number of the part (required)
    --content-md5 <base64>   Precomputed Content-MD5 of the contents
    --compute-content-md5    If set, automatically compute Content-MD5 of the contents
    --file <path>            Path to the contents
    --filestream <path>      Path to the contents (streaming upload)
    --bytes <string>         Range of local file to upload (e.g. bytes=0-100)
    --unsigned-payload       If set, skip request body signing (and thus verification) for the R2 request
    --url-style <url-style>  URL addressing method used in request (one of: path, vhost, default: vhost)
    --config <path>          Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>         Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>    Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>     Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                   Print help information
    --verbose                Toggle verbose output (when applicable)


$ denoflare r2 upload-part-copy --help
denoflare-r2-upload-part-copy 0.6.0

Copy R2 part from a given source bucket and key

    denoflare r2 upload-part-copy <bucket> <key> [OPTIONS]

    <bucket>                        Name of the R2 bucket
    <key>                           Key of the object

    --upload-id <string>            Id of the existing multipart upload to complete (required)
    --part-number <integer>         Number of the part (required)
    --source-bucket <string>        R2 Bucket of the source object (default: destination bucket)
    --source-key <string>           Key of the source object (required)
    --source-range <string>         The range of bytes to copy from the source object
    --if-match <string>             Copies the object part if its entity tag (ETag) matches the specified tag
    --if-none-match <string>        Copies the object part if its entity tag (ETag) is different than the specified ETag
    --if-modified-since <string>    Copies the object part if it has been modified since the specified time
    --if-unmodified-since <string>  Copies the object part if it hasn't been modified since the specified time
    --unsigned-payload              If set, skip request body signing (and thus verification) for the R2 request
    --url-style <url-style>         URL addressing method used in request (one of: path, vhost, default: vhost)
    --config <path>                 Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>                Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>           Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>            Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                          Print help information
    --verbose                       Toggle verbose output (when applicable)


$ denoflare r2 list-multipart-uploads --help
denoflare-r2-list-multipart-uploads 0.6.0

List in-progress multipart uploads within an R2 bucket

    denoflare r2 list-multipart-uploads <bucket> [OPTIONS]

    <bucket>                         Name of the R2 bucket

    --delimiter <char>               The character used to group keys
    --encoding-type <encoding-type>  Encoding used to encode keys in the response (one of: url)
    --key-marker <string>            Together with upload-id-marker, specifies the multipart upload after which listing should begin
    --max-uploads <integer>          Limit the number of multipart uploads to return (min: 0, max: 1000)
    --prefix <string>                Limit to uploads for keys that begin with the specified prefix
    --upload-id-marker <string>      Together with key-marker, specifies the upload after which listing should begin
    --unsigned-payload               If set, skip request body signing (and thus verification) for the R2 request
    --url-style <url-style>          URL addressing method used in request (one of: path, vhost, default: vhost)
    --config <path>                  Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>                 Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>            Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>             Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                           Print help information
    --verbose                        Toggle verbose output (when applicable)



$ denoflare r2 generate-credentials --help
denoflare-r2-generate-credentials 0.6.0

Generate private R2-looking credentials for any use

    denoflare r2 generate-credentials [OPTIONS]

    --help     Print help information
    --verbose  Toggle verbose output (when applicable)


$ denoflare r2 presign --help
denoflare-r2-presign 0.6.0

Generate a presigned url for time-limited public access to a private R2 object

    denoflare r2 presign <bucket> <key> [OPTIONS]

    <bucket>                    Name of the R2 bucket
    <key>                       Key of the object

    --expires-in <integer>      Number of seconds until the presigned url expires (default: 3600 (one hour), maximum: 604800 (one week))
    --endpoint-origin <origin>  Custom origin to use for vhost-style requests (e.g., signed url will use the bucketname as a subdomain (e.g.
    --access-key <string>       Custom access-key to use when using a custom --endpoint-origin
    --secret-key <string>       Custom secret-key to use when using a custom --endpoint-origin
    --url-style <url-style>     URL addressing method used in request (one of: path, vhost, default: vhost)
    --config <path>             Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>            Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>       Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>        Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --help                      Print help information
    --verbose                   Toggle verbose output (when applicable)

Generate a presigned url for an item with the key path/to/my-file.txt in the bucket my-bucket using the default expiration of 3600 seconds (1 hour) and the default vhost url-style (bucket name as subdomain)

$ denoflare r2 presign my-bucket path/to/my-file.txt

Generate a presigned url that expires in 10 seconds and uses the older path-based url-style (bucket name as the first path element)

$ denoflare r2 presign my-bucket path/to/my-file.txt --url-style path --expires-in 10