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denoflare serve

Run a Cloudflare worker script inside a local Deno web server for development and testing.

Supports hot-reloading by default, any script change will be picked up and available immediately.


$ denoflare serve --help
denoflare-serve 0.6.0

Run a Cloudflare worker script in a local Deno web server

    denoflare serve <script-spec> [OPTIONS]

    <script-spec>                                                  Name of script defined in .denoflare config, file path to bundled js worker, or an https url to a module-based worker .ts, e.g. https://path/to/worker.ts

    --port <number>                                                Local port to use for the http(s) server (default: 8080)
    --cert-pem <path>                                              (required for https) Path to certificate file in pem format (contents start with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----)
    --key-pem <path>                                               (required for https) Path to private key file in pem format (contents start with -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----)
    --name <string>                                                Explicit script name to use from config file
    --watch-include <path>...                                      Watch this additional path as well (e.g. for dynamically-imported static resources)
    --local-isolation <local-isolation>                            Local isolation mode: use 'none' for debugging, disables sandbox and hot-reload (one of: isolate, none, default: isolate)
    --text-binding <name:plain-text>...                            Plain text environment variable binding, overrides config
    --secret-binding <name:secret-text>...                         Secret text environment variable binding, overrides config
    --kv-namespace-binding <name:namespace-id>...                  KV namespace environment variable binding, overrides config
    --do-namespace-binding <name:namespace-name:class-name>...     DO namespace environment variable binding, overrides config
    --wasm-module-binding <name:path-to-local-wasm-file>...        Wasm module environment variable binding, overrides config
    --service-binding <name:service:environment>...                Service environment variable binding, overrides config
    --r2-bucket-binding <name:bucket-name>...                      R2 bucket environment variable binding, overrides config
    --ae-dataset-binding <name:dataset-name>...                    Analytics Engine dataset environment variable binding, overrides config
    --queue-binding <name:queue-name>...                           Queue environment variable binding, overrides config
    --secret-key-binding <name:{"algorithm":{"name":"HMAC"...>...  Secret key environment variable binding, overrides config
    --config <path>                                                Path to config file (default: .denoflare in cwd or parents)
    --profile <name>                                               Explicit profile to use from config file
    --account-id <string>                                          Explicit Cloudflare account id to use for authentication
    --api-token <string>                                           Explicit Cloudflare API token to use for authentication
    --bundle <name=value>...                                       Advanced options used when emitting javascript bundles: backend=(process|module), check=(all|local|none)
    --help                                                         Print help information
    --verbose                                                      Toggle verbose output (when applicable)